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Italy, Serie B: Brescia Calcio Vs SPAL

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PostNewma Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:29 am

Italy, Serie B: Brescia Calcio Vs SPAL

Brescia and SPAL will play a very important match, because Brescia are fighting for promotion while SPAL tries to avoid relegation which is sad, they were Serie A team a couple of years ago...

Brescia of course are also a scoring, attacking minded team. Currently 6th they are only 3 points behind the 2nd place which guarantees direct promotion. Their average of goals is 2,4 per game and recent results were 2-0, 1-0, 0-0 and 1-1, so pretty minimalistic.

SPAL on the other side are only 3 points away from relegation playout and their form is really poor. Average of 2,6 goals, their most recent results were 2-2, 2-2, 0-1 and 1-1.

Now, Brescia were not scoring so many recently, but this is a do or die match which they need to win. And SPAL will have their own calculations, I expect them to score, too.

1xbet call is

1x And Team 2 over 0.5
Odds: 2.2 Very Happy

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